Well you've ended up here hopefully due to some images you've seen that impressed you. So impressed were you that you've decided to find out some more about the person behind the camera.

Well I really don’t want to bore you with a long winded biography in the third person of how impressive my mother thinks I was at one time. Or with how much my wife and daughters enjoy my humour, wit and charm.

To be brief, I enjoy standing in the dark watching the stars and the northern lights.  I enjoy capturing challenging subjects like hummingbirds, bringing out detail in tiny landscapes with macro photography and chasing local wildlife around the woods.  I learn something new every day and try to improve upon the last photo.

Suffice it to say that I'm trying to puzzle out a way to make the capturing of moments pay the bills.  While I'm doing that, I hope you enjoyed some of my photos enough to share them with others.  Or that I've shown you a beautiful place that you'd like to see for yourself.




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